

英文简称: BRAINBOXE 英文全称: Brainboxes Limited
中文简称: BRAINBOXE 中文全称: Brainboxes Limited
所在地区: 总部地点:
公司官网: www.brainboxes.com/


Our team of highly qualified software and hardware designers are matched by a world-class in-house volume manufacturing facility and a global distribution chain. Substantial investments in R&D and manufacturing have gained us a reputation for products that are easy to use, highly configurable and extremely reliable. Our in-house manufacturing facility gives us an unparalleled level of flexibility and control to meet even the tightest deadlines. Our mission is to realise the 4th Industrial Revolution for all businesses regardless of size. We provide the tools to open up a world of machine monitoring, connect legacy equipment for Industrial IoT projects, extract significant data from your production line, and initiate factory automation projects.

